Good news! He Was and Is and Is to Come is now available to order from our online store! You can also grab it from Amazon using the link below – although shipping ends up slightly more expensive there, especially for multiple copies.
I’m over the moon with how the book has come out – partly with the quality of the finished product, and partly that the mammoth process of illustrating, editing, printing and organising that’s involved in bringing a book to life is finally complete. It’s been a big job, but absolutely worth it. We’re really proud of this – I think it’s got real clarity and strength to it, both in focussing believers on their saviour, and displaying to those who don’t know Jesus just why it is we’re so crazy about him.
Thank you to all those who have supported us in getting this far – do please leave reviews on Amazon if you buy it over there, and if you like the book then tell your friends about it!